About Us

About Isha Life
“Our lives become beautiful not because we are perfect. Our lives become beautiful because we put our heart into what we are doing.” - Sadhguru

Isha Life aims to bring a touch of Isha into the homes and environment of the community, and enrich people’s lives. Isha Life offers quality hand-made crafts, natural body care products, herbal supplements, yoga wear and accessories.

Isha Craft, a labor of love, brings the beauty of craft to our lives, and the hope of renewal to rural people. This creative initiative is an offshoot of the social outreach project, Action for Rural Rejuvenation, sponsored by Isha Foundation. The focus of Isha Crafts is on providing an expression to the natural creative instincts of rural people and restoring traditional means of earning a living.

Proceeds from the sales of Isha Craft support the operational costs of Isha’s Mobile Health Clinics and the welfare of rural communities.

Isha Foundation

Isha Foundation founded in 1992 by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an entirely volunteer-run international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating human potential.. The Foundation is headquartered at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, McMinnville, TN and at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, South India. Currently there are over 200 Isha Yoga Centers located around the world . At the core of the foundation’s activities is a customized system of yoga called Isha Yoga – yoga in its full depth and dimension. Under the guidance of Sadhguru, Isha Foundation has also implemented several large-scale human service projects for rural upliftment, education reform, environmental stewardship, as well as holistic and healthy living.

http://www.ruralrejuvenation.org/ – Action for Rural Rejuvenation (ARR) is a multi-pronged, multi-phased, holistic, outreach program whose primary objective is to improve the overall health and quality of life of the rural poor.

http://www.projectgreenhands.org/ – Project GreenHands (PGH) is the environmental initiative of Isha Foundation that aims to increase the green cover of the state of Tamil Nadu to the required 33% green cover by planting 114 million trees. Launched on World Environment Day, June 5th 2004, as a grass roots ecological initiative, the project has till date planted more than 14 million saplings in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry by involving more than 1.5 million volunteers.

http://www.ishavidhya.org/– Isha Vidhya, a not-for-profit education initiative, works for the economic and social empowerment of rural children in the villages across southern state of Tamil Nadu, India.